Monday, September 21, 2009

eating food with maxdesu and friends.

six of us rode our bicycles to visit grocery chain whole foods at kahala mall.

...occasionally large vehicles would appear to demolish our bike posse.

blogosphere sensation maxdesu (view his youtube) joined seth and I in poor boy dining. maxdesu bought one pound of meat loaf for about $4.81.

seth had a banana, yogurt, rice, and seaweed. the rice and seaweed would make him mini sushi rolls. his total was about $5.75. photo by maxdesu.

I had a banana, quinoa cakes (so bland, ugh), and strawberry guava juice. my total was about $5.27. photo by maxdesu.

aly and nimz both got bottled tea and trinkets from sanrio. girls...what the fudge? photo by maxdesu.

maxdesu consumed the entire one pound of meatloaf, breaking his fork -and his digestion- in the process.

it was fairly difficult to eat cheaply at whole foods market. I still cannot understand why natural food stores charge nearly ten dollars for a pound of prepared food (and at those prices one could afford a restaurant).

maxdesu was fantastic to collaborate with. I personally would enjoy another collaboration dinefest in the future. thank you yuuki, aly, and nimz for adventuring with seth and I. -sau

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