after a nice afternoon cruise out to costco, complete with excessive headwinds as usual, sau challenged me to conquer the zippy's ultimate donut. after stuffing the whole donut down my throat i thought i had been victorious. on the ride home i quickly realized that i was wrong and had simply become another victim of the hideous ultimate donut-induced death, complete with the perpetual waxy coating on the roof of my mouth. my girlfriend is worried sau is goint to kill me before she gets to see me again and she is probably right. here's to another fun day of food (and indigestion)!
on a side note, i find it interesting how local residents of hawaii who always pride themselves in their limited honking of car horns do not hesitate to let you know they are unhappy with the fact you are (legally) riding a bicycle on their streets.
anyways, now it's time to get back to homework. -seth
UFC donut!